VMworld 2017 – a non technical review

As I sit here on the last day of VMworld 2017 in Barcelona, I’m thinking about how good the conference was.  Lots of people will be focusing on the technical aspects of the conference, all of the announcements etc., so I thought that I would take a slightly different approach and look at the non technical side of things… The […]

Register All VMs from a Datastore

Quick post this one, I discovered this script when I was looking to register VMs as part of a temporary DR solution, unfortunately I cannot remember where I found the script and therefore I apologise to the original creator. The idea behind the script is to search through the datastore or datastores that you select, discover the location of the .vmx […]

VM Inventory PowerCLI script for DR Purposes

I know that there have been a number of blog posts in the past about creating inventories of VMs within an environment, showing various details  about the environment… I have even used some of them myself in the past. The script that I have pulled together and enhanced (from various sources) was designed to provide information that can be used […]

VCAP6-DCV Design Exam Preparation

I hope that the following information will assist people to pass their VMware Certified Advanced Professional 6 – Data Centre Virtualisation Design exam. This is work in progress and therefore will be updated over the coming weeks, so please come back regularly to discover the latest updates. Exam information Exam Number:  3V0-622 Exam Price:  Approx. $400 USD Exam Duration:  175 […]

VMworld Europe 2016 – Build up

So the time has come for another VMworld.  I’m writing this as I sit in an airport on my way off to Barcelona. I feel like this VMworld could be different to ones that I’ve been to previously.  I think that VMware will be making some big announcements at the European conference this week… Most notably could be the announcement […]

vSphere & Storage DR without SRM – Part 1: A thought Process

I’m hoping to provide a possible option to an issue that some people may come across in their environments. Creating a workable Disaster Recovery solution without utilising SRM… but the scenario I’m working through this solution for is a little more complex. So, with a normal vSphere environment there are a number of ways to provide a Disaster Recovery solution… […]

PowerCli – List of Tagged VMs, Datastore and Host

Here is a relatively simple PowerCli one liner that will list the virtual machines based on a VM Tag assigned to them, along with the Datastore(s) that the VM is on and the Host that the VM is currently on. The example below assumes that there is a tag with ‘Test/Dev’ in it assigned to the VMs (but this can […]

Traditional IT Countdown – 10 years

I’ve been in the IT industry for what seems like an eternity sometimes, and I have seen many changes occur with technology and how data/technology is used throughout everyones daily life. With the emergence of cloud technologies and data being consumed in different ways, we are beginning to see a real shift in IT and one that could see the […]

RIP – vSphere C# Client

It has been on the cards for a long time and a previous statement made it sound like it was likely to happen but the vSphere C# client is nearing the end of its life. The vSphere C# client is the tool that any VMware administrator would recognise if they have been in the business for a number of years. […]